SuiteScript is one of the most widely acknowledged tools in NetSuite. Several organizations have customized and automated their business procedures by using SuiteScript 1.0. So the announcement of Suite Script 2.0 available as NetSuite 16.1, has generated a series of questions among the developer world. We help clients to convert their scripts from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 and have been doing so for some time. If you haven’t converted from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0, then we recommend doing so as soon as possible if you want to unleash the power of SuiteScript 2.0 and its advanced features and functionalities.
What is SuiteScript 2.0?
SuiteScript 2.0 is built around SuiteScript 1.0 and is easier to maintain because of its object-oriented syntax. It is recommended to write all your scripts in SuiteScript 2.0, but SuiteScript 1.0 will be still available and supported by NetSuite. It is better to upgrade from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0 if you want to make use of the added features and functionalities of SuiteScript 2.0.

What are the Advantages of Converting from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0?
Modularity: SuiteScript 2.0 is all based on asynchronous module definition (AMD) design, in which everything is modules instead of functions and the modules are called only when they are needed, tending to deliver a faster performance. The main problem with NetSuite SuiteScript 1.0 was everything will be loaded in the beginning itself thus reducing the performance. SuiteScript 2.0 is based on the standard object oriented programming and will have separate modules for everything.
Easier to understand the code: As it is following the standard javascript format, it is easier to understand by even the beginners in NetSuite. All the object elements used are defined explicitly. So it will be much easier to realize what elements are used in the code.
Increased efficiency and performance.
Easy upgrade to the new versions without any hassles.
nlapi calls are no longer needed for the testing purposes.
It’s no doubt that SuiteScript 2.0 is a really powerful tool in NetSuite with its added functionalities. At first, it may be difficult to follow up, but it is highly recommended to move to SuiteScript 2.0. If you are planning to convert from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.0, we are here to help you to show you some NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 examples.
If you have NetSuite SuiteScript migration requirements or any other NetSuite script help or, NetSuite Customization requirements please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]