NetSuite Search Formulas & Methods
CREATED ON : 06 Sep 2021

A Quick Guide To NetSuite Search Formulas & Methods

Yash Mehta

NetSuite Functional Consultant

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Searching in NetSuite is one of the most helpful (and frequently used) features of the software. NetSuite offers a number of search tools for retrieving real-time info from your account. You can utilize the keywords to customize the display of search results, NetSuite search formulas for a single record to other users, export results to other applications, and save search definitions for later use.

Let’s have a deep insight into the most recent NetSuite search tips, formula restrictions, methods, and the significance of using NetSuite’s tools to locate information quickly.

NetSuite Search Formula Usage

This article will give you a few NetSuite saved search formula examples to give you a better idea of its usage. There are ideally two types of methods you can utilize the formula to make it more customized to get the desired search results. You can use custom search fields in the search or use the formula directly on the search criteria. Let’s quickly see how both of them work.

1. Formula In Search Criteria

NetSuite Formula in Search Criteria

You’re required to implement the following steps to use a formula in the search criteria:

1. Select the required Formula type in the Filter column on the Criteria subtab of a saved or an advanced search page

You’ll get the following choices (listed alphabetically, interspersed with field names in the drop-down list of the Filter column):

As validation varies as per the formula type, the optimal choice for a formula type is determined by the calculation the formula will execute.

For example, if you want to manipulate characters with regular expressions, you should use a Formula (Text). Formula (Numeric) is probably a better option for numeric calculations.

You can set Formula (Numeric) in the Filter field and {Quantity} in the Formula field when you’re looking for both positive and negative values in search results while using Quantity. On the other hand, you will only see positive values in the search results when you enter Quantity in the Filter field. All negative results are immediately filtered out.

Points to Note:

●   In your search formulas, avoid using <script> tags.

●  To prevent the HTML output from being generated, select Setup > Company > General Preferences and uncheck the Disable HTML in Search Formula (Text) box.

2. To define your formula in the Formula popup window, follow these steps:

  • Enter your formula expression in the designated area.

Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • If you want to include a SQL function in your formula, select it from the Function drop-down column.
  • If you want to include a field name’s ID in the formula, select it from the Filter dropdown list.

3. To display your search results, click Submit.

For Instance, Select Formula (Numeric), for example, and enter the formula today – start date, then set the criteria to higher than or equal to 3.

2. Formula In Search Results

NetSuite Formula in Search Result

You’re required to implement the following steps to use a formula in search results:

1. Select the required Formula type in the Field column on the Results subtab of a saved or advanced search page.

You’ll get the following choices (listed alphabetically, interspersed with field names in the Field column drop-down list):

●   Formula (Currency)

●   Formula (Date)

●   Formula (Date/ Time)

●   Formula (Numeric)

●   Formula (Percent)

●   Formula (Text)

The type of formula you choose must correspond to the type of calculation and validation required, the way you define formulas for search criteria.

2. Define your formula in the Formula field and click Done. Or, click the Set Formula button to open a popup that will assist you in correctly entering the formula expression.

●   To include its ID in the formula expression, select a field name from the Field drop-down list.

3. To view the results of your search, click Submit. 

Different Search Methods In NetSuite

We were able to understand how to create saved searches in NetSuite. You can use different search methods with NetSuite customization services to customize and quickly retrieve the data you need:

variables and corresponding synonyms in NetSuite Search

A simple search page displays the fields of the selected record type, with drop-down lists or boxes that allow you to select or enter values to filter the results of the search.

simple search method in NetSuite

To run a simple search,

●   Go to Reports > New Search

●   Choose the record type you want to find

●   Define the filters as per your requirements

Once one or more filters have been defined for a simple search:

●   To run the search and display the results list, click Submit.

●   To run the search and save the result to a .xls, .csv, or .pdf file; click Export

●   To clear the defined filters, click Reset

●   To display a page for defining the fields and available filters for a personalized search form, click Personalize Search

●   To display a page for saving and modifying a search using the filters you specified, click Create Saved Search

Keep in mind: Some search date filters allow you to include specific times of the day. These times are automatically adjusted for users’ local time zones.

An advanced search method contains a Criteria subtab for defining search filters and a Results subtab for defining display options for search results.

advanced search method in NetSuite

To run an advanced search,

●   Go to Reports > New Search

●   Choose the records type you want to find

●   Select the Use Advanced Search box

●   Define the Criteria filters and Results display options

Once criteria filters and results display options, have been defined for an advanced search:

●   To run the search and display the results list, click Submit.

Once the search has been submitted, results can be exported as a .xls, .csv, or .pdf file

●   To clear the defined criteria and results options, click Reset

●   To display a page for defining the results columns and available filters for a personalized search form, click Personalize Search

●   To display a page for saving and modifying a search using the filters you specified, click Create Saved Search

The options available with the NetSuite formula case when you define the rules. But the Global search option is a comprehensive method to get the search results at the top right corner from any page of the tool. It uses the same Keyword option to get the search results. The keywords may contain

  1. Wildcards
  2. Numbers
  3. Dashes
  4. Underscores
Global search method in NetSuite

The recommended options you may get while you type the Keyword are added advantages too. You can also click on Enter to get the entire list as well. You can type the Keyword from 3 to 32 characters and get the desired search results with maximum ease. 

i. Suggested Matches

The ability to view any record by clicking on the record or edit the record by clicking on edit on the right is a versatile move by NetSuite. You can type the Keyword, see the recommended matches in the search list, and click on view or edit as per your requirements.

ii. Keywords – Names/ID Values

You can type the Keyword and type enter. As you do that, the tool matches the Keyword and the record types. Of course, you might have numerous matches based on the Keyword that will appear. You can click on enter to view the same. If you are planning to see a single record, use the following steps:

  1. Click on Home
  2. Go to Set Preferences
  3. Click on the subtab – Analytics
Global Search Method in NetSuite - 2

While you do this, you will find a check box that says ‘Show list with only one Result’ Click on the check box to view just one record as you type the Keyword. 

Alternatively, you can also delete the suggested matches from the Global Search option.

One must also understand that the Global Search option will not give all the return matches as it is designed to give the most important result types. 

Be it the NetSuite Formula text or setting any defined criteria, NetSuite has made it easy to search for the right results using Quick Find options. You can quickly see the record types as you search for them from any of the NetSuite pages. Click on the magnifying glass next to the page’s header to perform a quick find. 

Access the Transactions: The tool offers you to select a specific transaction with just a few clicks. You can select the transaction by choosing the type of transaction and entity name. You can also further customize the option by selecting the date too. If there is just one transaction available, it will open automatically. While there are multiple transactions, you will see a ‘Found page’ opening with the list of transactions. You can click on the transaction you are looking forward to accessing the information.

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Access the Records: The records can also be tracked and accessed using the Quick Find option. As with transactions, if there are multiple records, a found page shall open with the list. You can select the record you are looking for. 

As such, the NetSuite saved search formula functions offer greater flexibility in accessing the data. The different search methods give the user complete control of the search results. It not only saves time but also helps in tracking the data instantly. 

Read More: Tips To Set Up Pricing For Items In NetSuite


A NetSuite simple search is a search where one or more field values can be entered to be used as filters for search results.

There are three types of searches in NetSuite: simple searches, advanced searches, and saved searches.

A saved search is a reusable search definition that can include a wide range of advanced search filters, and results display options.